Do you get treated as though you are your doctor's only patient? Vanessa Spurlock did and that empowered her to have the confidence to make decisions along her breast cancer journey. Trust, respect, and care were the cornerstones of her relationship with her health care team at Virginia Commonwealth University's Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center. Vanessa didn't have prior knowledge about cancer so her providers educated her, explained different treatment options, told her to seek a second opinion if desired, and set her at ease during challenging moments. Over the course of her diagnosis and treatment journey Vanessa journaled and found a new version of herself that was centered around freedom. Now in her sixth year of survivorship she partners with newly diagnosed patients to help them find that freedom as well through their voice so they can advocate for themselves.
Michael Fratkin’s commitment to palliative care began with an important lesson his grandfather taught him when he was a boy. Today, he heads Resolution...
Ed Cunicelli began his career over twenty years ago, photographing the White Mountain Apache reservation in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Center for Indian...
Naimi Pothiwala gives us hope for the future as a 20 year old undergraduate at East Carolina University she is making a difference in...