Latest Episodes

The Future is Here But Its Benefits Are Not Equally Distributed
Over the last couple of decades there have been major advancements in healthcare but have those advancements benefited our most vulnerable communities? Listen to...

Patient Navigators are Essential
After receiving a medical diagnosis, a person begins a journey to learn about the condition, explore treatment options and advocate for themselves. Along this...

The Answers are in the Community
There is a one of a kind connection you have when working to improve the health and wellbeing of the community you are from....

A Family United Against Cancer
When a person is diagnosed with cancer they can choose to walk that journey privately or lean on their support system to help them...

I'm Their Only Patient
Do you get treated as though you are your doctor's only patient? Vanessa Spurlock did and that empowered her to have the confidence to...

Three Communities, One Mission
Join us as we relive our year long journey of traveling to Ruleville, Mississippi; Richmond, Virginia and Los Angeles, California to co-create workshops to...